Sunday, November 23, 2014


Welcome to the Aboriginal Abidigital, a site dedicated to the efforts of inspiring alternative representations and stories of indigenous people.

This site is run by Joseph Stahlman, PhD and Fileve Tlaloc Palmer, PhD.  Together they travel the earth and cyber world bringing alternative perspectives to the forefront of people's internet experience.

Image by Natalie Nomandla Houston

This blog is dedicated to educating, informing, and enlightening society through the multiple roads of being indigenous. We define "indigenous" as aboriginal peoples (and their descendants) originating from lands they have existed before the age of exploration and subsequent colonization. Indigenous means remaining connected to our ancestors who lived here for thousands of years, thus making us part of the land. We continue to carry our traditions and be a voice for those unable to speak - past or present. Abidigital Aboriginal is a continuation of that tradition of being linked to place, space, and people. It means moving through time, moving with technology, and adapting to change without losing one's identity, but incorporating technology into our individual and collective distinctivenesses. As such, we showcase indigenous cultures through multimedia community and online presentations.